Spacekites Picador an 85m Schnüren (+Tubetail)
Category: video
AC – Amazing Control Sport Kite from LH
Spiderkites Sista Lenkdrache im Test
Worlds Greatest Kiting 185 – Prism Jazz Stunt Kite
Dodd’s 6 step Learning/Practice system for Dual Line Sport Kites
Kites with tails
Kite with a VERY LONG TAIL
HQ Stormy Pete speed kite. With 45m b+w tube tail. 30m 40kg line. 17-27mph wind. @Lytham St Anne’s
Prism Quantum 2.0 Stunt Kite with 75ft Tube Tail
HQ Stormy Pete speed kite with 150ft tail at Lytham St Anne’s International kite Festival 3.09.2022